Streaming Guidelines

Streaming Guidelines

We welcome all streaming and monetization of the game.

When streaming, we would appreciate it if you could include the following link in the description of your video on streaming sites.


With this in mind, please adhere to the following guidelines and strive to create streams that allow all players to enjoy the game.

1. Rules for Streaming Content

Protecting Privacy in the Game: Streamers must respect the privacy of other players and refrain from sharing personal information (such as real names, addresses, or any other identifiable details) during the stream.

Prohibition of Cheating: Do not engage in cheating, exploiting bugs, or any behavior that undermines fair play during the stream. This includes promoting or encouraging unfair practices towards other players.

Prohibition of Defamation: Any form of defamation, discriminatory remarks, or harassment against other players is strictly prohibited. Conduct your stream with respect and consideration.

2. Adherence to Community Guidelines

Community Policies: Streamers must adhere to the community guidelines and terms of service of the platform they are using (e.g., Twitch, YouTube).

Prohibition of Violent or Inappropriate Content: Avoid displaying excessively violent or inappropriate content during the stream. Pay special attention to content selection, especially on platforms with age restrictions.

3. Transparency in Streaming

Disclosure of Sponsorship: If the stream is sponsored or conducted for promotional purposes, make sure to clearly disclose this to the viewers.

Interaction During the Stream: Interact with your audience respectfully. Handle inappropriate comments appropriately and maintain a positive environment.

4. Promoting a Safe Gaming Environment

Reporting and Feedback: If any misconduct or inappropriate gameplay occurs during the stream, report it appropriately within the game and consider providing feedback to the development team.

Maintaining Online Security: Protect your personal information and ensure online security for yourself and others during the stream. Address any security risks properly.

5. Response to Violations

Violation of Guidelines: Streamers who violate these guidelines may receive warnings. In the case of severe violations, actions such as restricted access to the game or a ban from the streaming platform may be taken.

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