Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Curiousaprk, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company", “We”, “Our” or “Us”) handles your (hereinafter referred to as the "User", “You” or “Your”) personal information in accordance with this privacy policy.

The User should check the following privacy policy in order to use the games operated by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Games").

1. Personal Information We Collect

In connection with Your use of the Game, We collect the following personal information provided by You or by automatic collection.

(1) Contact Information

Email address, etc.

(2) Account Information

User names and passwords, etc.

(3) Identity verification information

IP address, login information, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in type, operating system type and version, cookies, Google AdID, Apple IDFA and other unique device IDs, etc.

(4) Information about Your use of the Game

Your game platform, game version, mobile and hardware identifiers, device event information, crash reporting, language or subtitles, game score, play time, feature usage, achievements and progress, purchase status, time zone, time stamp, session duration, etc.

(5)Information We receive from Your platform:

Nickname, username, email address, language, device ID, purchase history, etc.

2. Purpose of use of personal information

We will use Your personal information for the purposes set forth below.

(1) User account registration

(2) Operation, improvement and continuous development of the Company's website

(3) Provision and improvement of the Game

(4) Transactions and payment processing

(5) Advertising and advertising effectiveness measurement

(6) Detection and investigation of tampering, cheating, and illegal activity of the Game

(7) Community and user support

(8) Sending e-mails related to the Game, etc. that the User has agreed to receive.

(9) To inform and manage tournaments and events related to the Game

(10) Implementation of campaigns, contests, and other promotional activities

(11) Public Relations, Digital Marketing and Advertising, Direct Marketing

(12) To solve problems in the operation of the Game

(13) To prevent unauthorized use and ensure safety related to the Game

3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

In connection with the use of personal information, We may use third parties such as the following.

(1) Service providers

(2) Business partners

(3) Subcontractors

(4) Advertising partners

(5) Data analysis company

4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties in Foreign Countries

Your personal information may be processed, used, etc. outside the country of Your residence. Laws and regulations concerning the protection of personal information outside of Your country of residence may differ from laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information in Your country of residence. In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, We will take necessary and appropriate safety management measures to protect Your personal information. By using the Game, You consent to such transfers outside of Your country of residence.

5, External transmission of user information for cooperation with external services

The Game uses the following external services. The following describes (1) providers of external services (privacy policy), (2) external services used, (3) user information sent to external services, and (4) purposes of use for each of these services.

(1) GoogleLLC: https://policies.google.com/privacy

 (2) Admob, (3) IDFA・AAID・Cookie・fingerprint, (4) Customized ad serving

 (2) Firebase, (3) Device ID, (4) Analyze app usage

 (2) Google Cloud

(1) Microsoft Corporation: https://privacy.microsoft.com/ja-jp/privacystatement

 (2) Azure PlayFab

6. Procedures for disclosure, correction, etc. of personal information

If You wish to make a request based on Your rights regarding Your personal information, please contact Us using the contact information below. In addition, when disclosing personal information, a fee of 1000 yen per case will be charged. However, in principle, We will not disclose historical information.


Please contact us via the in-game contact-us form.

7. Updates to the Privacy Policy

We may change Our Privacy Policy. If there are material changes to the Privacy Policy, We will notify You of such changes by posting them on the website, notifying You on Your device, notifying You in-game, or by other appropriate means.

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